Ordinary to extraordinary is a collection of freelance photography and a veritable cornucopia of random musings, made by Larry Wyatt.

25 March 2007

Differential Focus

Recently, I was looking at one of my favorite photoblogs. It is run by a gentleman named Michael Brown and is called Macro Art in Nature.

Michael does phenomenal work and has been an inspiration to me. What I like most about his photographs is a technique that he calls 'cramming.' In essence, he opens his macro lens to the widest aperature and crams it into something. This technique creates what I call differential focus. It can certainly be hit and miss as I've found it, but the technique can also yield some beautiful artful photographs. Cramming is well worth your time and effort, if you're a photographer.

Below are my attempts at some basic cramming

You can access Michael's blog by right-clicking the web address below and opening it in a new window: http://macroartinnature.wordpress.com/

Remember to keep clicking that shutter, because if you aren't clicking, you're just holding an expensive black box that makes lots of noises.

Please don't pirate my images. I've worked hard to make them. Please enjoy them, but don't steal them.

Copyright 2007 Lawrence H. Wyatt

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