Ordinary to extraordinary is a collection of freelance photography and a veritable cornucopia of random musings, made by Larry Wyatt.

08 March 2008


These are my first attmepts at candlelight photography with strobes. Straight out of the camera except for a mild crop.

Strobist information: Nikon SB25, 1/64 power, snooted(12"), camera left high

Canon 40D, Tamron 28-75 f2.8 lens

F11, 1/6, ISO 200

As always, comments are greatly appreciated!

Click on the photo for a larger image.

©2008 Lawrence H. Wyatt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great candle light photos and specially for sharing your camera settings. I am just getting into the whole strobist technique and this is "inspiring"!

Harry C
New Brunswick, Canada