Ordinary to extraordinary is a collection of freelance photography and a veritable cornucopia of random musings, made by Larry Wyatt.

24 July 2007

Childhood Memories

Who remembers blowing on these flowers......errrrr....weeds when we were kids and watching them fall to the ground? I do.

Remember to keep clicking that shutter, because if you aren't clicking, you're just holding an expensive black box that makes lots of noises.Please don't pirate my images. I've worked hard to make them. Please enjoy them, but don't steal them.

Copyright 2007 Lawrence H. Wyatt

Tropical Rainforest

On a recent trip to Galveston, we visited Moody Gardens. A part of Moody Gardens is a Tropical Rainforest. It's a really neat place, with lots of flora and fauna. Here are a few captures I made while there. Enjoy.

Remember to keep clicking that shutter, because if you aren't clicking, you're just holding an expensive black box that makes lots of noises.Please don't pirate my images. I've worked hard to make them. Please enjoy them, but don't steal them.

Copyright 2007 Lawrence H. Wyatt